
Classical Machine Learning

Definition by Tom Mitchell(1998):

Machine Learning is the study of algorithms that

  • improve their performance P
  • at some tasks T
  • with experience E

A well-defined learning task is given by <P,T,E>

Programming : 1 + 2 = ?

Machine Learning: 1 + x = 3 ,x =?


Recommender system

Computer vision


Space exploration


Information extraction

Social networks

Debugging software

why we need machine learning

  • 识别手写数字
    • programming的解决方法
    • machine learning 的方法,更优秀

Machine learning workflow

  • Dataset 分为 Training Set 和 Testing Set

  • Model的部署

分为两大部分model 和 Dataset


  • Model Training

    • Model Selection 确定适合当前任务的模型
      • Selection based on human experience
        • Linear model for continuous value regression
        • Tree-based model for interpretable prediction
      • Selection based on learning strategies
        • Bayesian optimization
        • Bayesian model selection
    • Parameter Learning
      • Gradient decent:
        • full
        • batch
        • stochastic
  • Model Evaluation

  • 模型

    • Linear regression

    • Decision Tree

    • Logistic Regression

    • Naive Bayes

    • K-Nearest Neighbor

    • Artificial Neural Network / Deep Learning

    • Support Vector Machine

    • Ensemble Methods:

      Random Forset,Bagging,AdaBoost

Supervised Learning

  • Given a training set (x1,y1),(x2,y2),…,(xn,yn)
  • Learn a Function F(x) based on the testing set (xn+1, yn+1),(xn+2,yn+2),…,(xn+m,yn+m).

Linear regression

In linear regression we assume that y and x are related with the following equation:

yi=F(xi)=wxiy_i = F(x_i) = wx_i

where w is a parameter

Determine the model parameters

  • Our goal is to estimate w from the training data of (x1,y1),(x2,y2),…,(xn,yn)

  • Optimization goal: minimize squared error (least squares):

    \begin{align}min_{w} \sum^{n}_{i = 1} (y_i - wx_i)^2\end{align}

    • minimizes squared distance between the true value and predicted value.
    • has a nice probabilistic interpretation
  • 证明,用偏导数 = 0 解出w

Evaluation of the learned model

learning based on the training set (x1,y1),(x2,y2),…,(xn,yn)

Evaluation based on the testing set (xn+1, yn+1),(xn+2,yn+2),…,(xn+m,yn+m).

  • Root mean squared error(RMSE) 均方根误差

    \begin{align} RMSE = \sqrt{\frac{1}{m} \sum^{n+m}_{i = n+1}(y_i - wx_i)^2} \end{align}

  • Mean Absolute Error(MAE) 平均绝对误差

    \begin{align} MAE = \frac{1}{m} \sum^{n+m}_{i = n+1}|y_i - wx_i| \end{align}

Decision Tree

  • Dataset D= {(x1,y1),(x2,y2),(x3,y3),…(xn,yn)}










因此我们将m(s)值最小的S = 5,当作分界值


Nearest-Neighbor Classifiers

  • Requires three things

    • The set of stored records
    • Distance Metric to compute distance between records
    • The value of K , the number of nearest neighbors to retrieve
  • To classify an unknown record:

    • Compute distance to other training records
    • Identify k nearest neighbors
    • Use class labels of nearest neighbors to determine the class label of unknown record(e.g.,by taking majority vote)
  • Compute distance between two points:

    • Euclidean distance

      d(p,q)=i(piqi)2d(p,q) = \sqrt{\sum_i(p_i-q_i)^2}

    • Manhatten distance

      d(p,q)=ipiqid(p,q) = \sum_i |p_i - q_i|

    • q norm distance

      d(p,q)=(ipiqiq)1qd(p,q) = (\sum_i | p_i - q_i |^q)^{\frac{1}{q}}

  • Choosing the value of k:

    • if k is too small ,sensitive to noise points
    • if k is too large ,neighborhood may include points from other classes
  • Determine the class from nearest neighbor list

    • take the majority vote of class labels among the k-nearest neighbors

      γ=argmaxv(xi,yi)DzI(v=yi)\gamma’ = argmax_v \sum_{(x_i,y_i)\in D_z}I(v = y_i)

      where DzD_z is the set of k closest training examples to z.

    • Weigh the vote according to distance

      γ=argmaxv(xi,yi)Dzwi×I(v=yi)\gamma’ = argmax_v \sum_{(x_i,y_i)\in D_z}w_i \times I(v = y_i)

      • weight factor,w = $$1/d^2$$

Logistic regression

  • The optimal decisions are based on the posterior class probabilities P(yx)P(y|x). For binary classification problems, we can write these decisions as

    \begin{align}y = 1 \space if \space log\frac{P(y = 1|X)}{P(y=0|X)} > 0 \end{align}

    and y = 0 otherwise.

  • We generally don’t know P(yx)P(y|x) but we can parameterize the possible decisions according to

    \begin{align} log\frac{P(y = 1|X)}{P(y=0|X)} =f(x;w) = w_0 + x^T w_1 \end{align}

  • Our log-odds model

    \begin{align} log\frac{P(y = 1|X)}{P(y=0|X)} = w_0 + x^T w_1 \end{align}

    gives rise to a specific form for the conditional probability over the labels( the logistic model):

    \begin{align} P(y = 1|x,w) =g(w_0 + x^T w_1) \end{align}


    \begin{align} g(z) =(1 + exp(-z))^{-1} \end{align}$$ 激活函数 is a logistic "squashing function " that turns linear predictions into probabilities.

    • As with the linear regression models we can fit the logistic models using the maximum (conditional) log-likelihood criterion.

      \begin{align}l(D;w) = \sum_{i=1}^n log P(y_i|x_i,w)\end{align}


      \begin{align} P(y = 1|x,w) = g(w_0 + x^Tw_1) \end{align}

    • The log-likelihood function $ l(D;w) $ is a jointly concave function of thr parameters w; a number of optimization techniques are available for finding the maximizing parameters.

    • if we set the derivatives of the log-likelihood with respect ot the parameters to zero.

      the optimality conditions again require that the prediction errors

      corresponding to the optimal setting of the parameters are uncorrelated with any linear function of the inputs.

  • testing set 和 Training Set

    • 尽量使分布一致
  • Dataset 和 input data

  • How many training samples we need to achieve successful learning

    • The learned model can approximate the real model with high probaility

Deep learning

  • Multi-layer Perceptron and Back Propagation

  • Multilayer neural networks

  • Both supervised and unsupervised

  • Acitvation functions